ESIC Business& Marketing School is one of the top business schools in Europe.Its prestige and reputation have been built for more than 45 years uponthe quality of its graduates, recruited by Europe’s largest companies.ESIC’s focus on Marketing is also widely renowned and the Schoolusually appears in the top positions of specialised rankings. It islocated in Madrid, Spain’s capital, a vibrant city with one of the mostdynamic and thriving economies in the European Union。
ESIC isassociated to King Juan Carlos University. The School offers UG, PGand, MBA courses taught in English. Spanish is studied as part of theprogrammes in its Language School。
位于西班牙首都馬德里的ESIC商學院是一所頂尖商學院,45年來以高質量的教育和畢業生蜚聲歐洲。ESIC在市場營銷專業排名中一直名列前茅。ESIC為REY JUANCARLOS大學下屬學院,提供以英語教學的本科、碩士以及MBA課程。就讀學生可享受免費西班牙語課程。